YouTube Live Channel Premier

 April 13, 2020

By  Joshua Rosenthal, M.D.

Celebrate the Premier of Quantum Thyroid's YouTube Channel While You Learn about Your Thyroid!


In an effort to be of service, Quantum Thyroid is starting a YouTube Channel!  The first video with be a live stream on April 16th, 2020 at 6:45PM.  The Title of the Live Stream is "The Thyroid Nodule MindMap How to Navigate Getting Diagnosed with a Thyroid Nodule Successfully".  In this webinar, there will be an explanation of the Thyroid MindMap previously published.   An interactive explanation of it will proceed to explain the journey of a Thyroid Nodule from start to finish.  Afterwards, there will be a Question and Answer period to help clear up anything that needs further explaining.  Take a moment and subscribe to Quantum Thyroid's YouTube Channel:

YouTube Subscribe Button

This isn't meant to go over your specific case, but is meant to be educational.  At the end, you should be able to understand your particular case better.  Since most doctors are too busy to take the time to explain what's going on, you will need to be an educated consumer so you don't end up with your Thyroid removed for no good reason.  Quite honestly, the whole process is very confusing for patients, and clearing this up is the purpose of this event.  When patient's don't really understand the process, they can get swept up in the drama of it all, and end up sorry.  Luckily rare, thyroidectomy complications are especially terrible if the reason for having surgery wasn't Thyroid Cancer.  Even then, only the rare Thyroid Cancer patient with nasty disease should really be at risk for surgical complications.  Don't be one of the people shaking their head, wondering why all this happened.  Get proactive and start learning now!

Sign up to register for this event!  Don't forget to subscribe to our channel, too!

Joshua Rosenthal, MD

Interventional Thyroidologist and Integrative Sleep Specialist

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